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Category: Professional Services

March 6, 2024


On March 1, 2024, the U.S. 阿拉巴马州北区地方法院裁定《老葡京手机app》(CTA)违宪. In response to this ruling, 金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN)表示,只要该裁决仍然有效,它就会遵守, and that this ruling only applies to the plaintiffs in the case.  Since this ruling is limited to the plaintiffs in the case, other reporting companies should continue to comply… Read more ›

February 28, 2024

Independent Contractor vs. Employee Status: The DOL Issues New Final Rule

The U.S. 根据联邦公平劳动标准法(FLSA),劳工部(DOL)用于确定工人是否应被归类为独立承包商或雇员的测试在过去十年中已经修订了几次. Now, 美国劳工部正在实施一项新的最终规定,取消特朗普政府时期制定的雇主友好测试. 这项对员工更友好的新规定将于2024年3月11日生效. Role of the New Final Rule Even though the DOL’s final… Read more ›

December 7, 2022

Financial Reporting Check-Up: How Fiscally Fit Is Your Company?

Comprehensive financial statements prepared under U.S. 公认会计原则(GAAP)包括三个报告:资产负债表, income statement and statement of cash flows. 这些报告结合在一起,可以成为帮助评估企业财务状况的强大诊断工具. Moreover, by carefully analyzing them, 你可能会发现潜在的资金管理问题,甚至是欺诈行为. Balance Sheets Show Assets vs. 资产负债表提供了某一时刻公司财务健康状况的快照。 Read more ›

December 7, 2022

When Your Firm’s Partners Borrow to Buy Ownership Interests

对于专业公司的新合伙人来说,用个人贷款来支付获得所有权权益的全部或部分成本并不罕见. If some of your firm’s partners have done this, 他们需要知道联邦所得税如何正确处理由此产生的利息支出. 这种合伙人层面的利息支出有时被称为“外部利息”,因为它来自合伙企业之外的个人贷款. IRS guidelines say outside… Read more ›

August 29, 2022


What is a Pass-through Entity Tax? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) imposed a $10,对于在2017年之后和2026年之前开始的纳税年度的联邦所得税申报表上逐项列出扣除额的个人,对州和地方税(SALT)扣除额的限制. In response, 许多州已经制定了强制性或选择性的传递实体(PTE)税,作为SALT上限的变通办法. PTE税允许符合条件的直通实体扣除州税… Read more ›

May 3, 2022


  Over the last year, consumer prices rose 7.9%, according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Consumer Price Index covers the prices of food, clothing, shelter, fuels, transportation, doctors’ and dentists’ services, drugs, 以及人们为日常生活购买的其他商品和服务. This is the highest 12-month increase since 1982. 消费品价格的上涨迟早会影响到大多数企业. For example, if you operate a restaurant, spikes… Read more ›

February 3, 2022

Partners Cannot Deduct Reimbursable Expenses

专业服务公司的合伙人有时必须自掏腰包支付某些与公司相关的业务费用. For instance, 律师事务所合伙人可能必须亲自承担招待潜在客户的费用,这些潜在客户不在公司指定的潜在客户名单上,公司将为其报销酒宴费用. Also, 合伙人可能会承担个人汽车费用,开车往返于客户会议和其他地点,其中… Read more ›

October 20, 2021

Selling Real Estate on the Installment Basis

你是否拥有出售时会产生高额资本收益的房地产? Fortunately, 你可以通过协商分期付款出售房产来实现重大的税收优惠. However, there are several potential tax traps to avoid. How do you qualify for installment sale reporting? It’s relatively easy. 你所要做的就是安排在至少两个纳税年度内收到付款. For example, say you contract to sell real estate in December… Read more ›

October 20, 2021

Tax Court: Attorney’s Assistant-Spouse is Independent

关于雇员与独立承包商的纠纷已经持续了好几年. 国会上一次试图解决这个问题是在1978年(是的,那是很久以前的事了)!), and it only produced some penalty relief. 一个工人是雇员还是独立承包商取决于国税局的声明, case law, etc.,但这在很大程度上取决于事实和环境.S. Tax Court case illustrates. 达里尔·琼斯是一名律师,他的妻子是塔丽。 Read more ›

August 4, 2020

How to Avoid Penalties on Early Retirement Account Withdrawals

新冠肺炎危机的经济影响可能会导致一些资金紧张的个人拖欠他们从公司合格退休计划中获得的贷款, including 401(k) and profit-sharing plans. 拖欠计划贷款将导致不利的税收和退休储蓄后果. 关于COVID-19大流行如何影响它的进一步细节如下. 退休计划基础如果雇主赞助的合格退休计划允许贷款,那么参与者可以从该计划中借钱. Under the normal rules, the loan amount… Read more ›